from April 2009 by thread

meeting record: 2009-04-30 RDFa Telecon Ralph R. Swick (Thursday, 30 April)

Two new gadgets (experimental): an inline linked data browser and a validator Michael Hausenblas (Thursday, 30 April)

Telecon Agenda - Thursday, April 30th Manu Sporny (Thursday, 30 April)

Consensus on alternate prefixing mechanism Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 28 April)

ISSUE-206: SKOS Implementation: PoolParty SWD Issue Tracker (Monday, 27 April)

inheriting the parent object (Monday, 27 April)

ISSUE-205: SKOS Implementation: Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) Service SWD Issue Tracker (Monday, 27 April)

ISSUE-204: SKOS Implementation: Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) SWD Issue Tracker (Monday, 27 April)

ISSUE-203: SKOS Implementation: SKOS API SWD Issue Tracker (Monday, 27 April)

ISSUE-202: SKOS Implementation: SKOS editor SWD Issue Tracker (Monday, 27 April)

ISSUE-201: SKOS Implementation: Various vocabularies stored in the CATCH SKOS service SWD Issue Tracker (Monday, 27 April)

Re: [whatwg] Micro-data use cases - Vocabulary expression and validation Manu Sporny (Saturday, 25 April)

Please review use cases relating to embedding micro-data in text/html Ian Hickson (Thursday, 23 April)

Creative Commons Technology Summit CFP Extended Nathan Yergler (Tuesday, 21 April)

kudos on the RDFa in XHTML document (Tuesday, 21 April)

RDFa for table columns (Tuesday, 21 April)

RDFa use cases update in progress Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 21 April)

URI in rel Steven Pemberton (Monday, 20 April)

[ANN] RDFj: Semantic objects in JSON Mark Birbeck (Monday, 20 April)

ISSUE-200: SKOS Implementation: Decimalised Database of Concepts SWD Issue Tracker (Friday, 17 April)

meeting record: 2009-04-16 RDFa telecon Ralph R. Swick (Thursday, 16 April)

ISSUE-199: SKOS Implementation: Astronomy Thesauri SWD Issue Tracker (Thursday, 16 April)

ISSUE-198: SKOS Implementation: STW Thesaurus for Economics Service SWD Issue Tracker (Thursday, 16 April)

ISSUE-197: SKOS Implementation: The Thesaurus of Greek Terms in SKOS SWD Issue Tracker (Thursday, 16 April)

ISSUE-196: SKOS Implementation: STW Thesaurus for Economics SWD Issue Tracker (Thursday, 16 April)

ISSUE-195: SKOS Implementation: UMBEL Web Services SWD Issue Tracker (Thursday, 16 April)

ISSUE-194: SKOS Implementation: UMBEL Vocabulary SWD Issue Tracker (Thursday, 16 April)

Telecon Agenda - Thursday 16 April Ben Adida (Wednesday, 15 April)

Re: Google adds another link type Elias Torres (Wednesday, 8 April)

SKOS comment: name "broader" confusing Barclay, Daniel (Tuesday, 7 April)

Re: Are RDFa parsers responsible for URL-encoding values when generating URLs? KANZAKI Masahide (Tuesday, 7 April)

Re: Are RDFa parsers responsible for URL-encoding values when generating URLs? Ben Adida (Monday, 6 April)

Re: Slidy presentation with RDFa metadata Ben Adida (Monday, 6 April)

ISSUE-193: HTML served to browser even when RDF is explicitely requested in the Accept header SWD Issue Tracker (Monday, 6 April)

SKOS comment: Reference - editorial errors and problems (Ch. 1) Barclay, Daniel (Monday, 6 April)

RDFa Test Cases updates: TC 121 fixed, TC122 added (pending review) Michael Hausenblas (Sunday, 5 April)

meeting record: 2009-04-02 RDF-in-XHTML Task Force telecon Ralph R. Swick (Thursday, 2 April)

Telecon (in an hour) - 1500 UTC Manu Sporny (Thursday, 2 April)

Test 0005 has a safe CURIE in @href Mark Birbeck (Thursday, 2 April)

regrets Ben Adida (Thursday, 2 April)

Tests 0003 and 0004 use 'meta' and 'link' in 'body' Mark Birbeck (Thursday, 2 April)

ANN: STW Thesaurus for Economics published as RDFa application Neubert Joachim (Wednesday, 1 April)

ISSUE-192: CR Comment: missing bracket in example 44 SWD Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 1 April)

The implied @about="": Explanation and some problems Mark Birbeck (Wednesday, 1 April)

Last message date: Thursday, 30 April 2009 16:28:39 UTC