meeting record: 2009-04-30 RDFa Telecon
Two new gadgets (experimental): an inline linked data browser and a validator
Telecon Agenda - Thursday, April 30th
Consensus on alternate prefixing mechanism
ISSUE-206: SKOS Implementation: PoolParty
inheriting the parent object
ISSUE-205: SKOS Implementation: Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) Service
ISSUE-204: SKOS Implementation: Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT)
ISSUE-203: SKOS Implementation: SKOS API
ISSUE-202: SKOS Implementation: SKOS editor
ISSUE-201: SKOS Implementation: Various vocabularies stored in the CATCH SKOS service
Re: [whatwg] Micro-data use cases - Vocabulary expression and validation
Please review use cases relating to embedding micro-data in text/html
Creative Commons Technology Summit CFP Extended
kudos on the RDFa in XHTML document
RDFa for table columns
RDFa use cases update in progress
URI in rel
[ANN] RDFj: Semantic objects in JSON
ISSUE-200: SKOS Implementation: Decimalised Database of Concepts
meeting record: 2009-04-16 RDFa telecon
ISSUE-199: SKOS Implementation: Astronomy Thesauri
ISSUE-198: SKOS Implementation: STW Thesaurus for Economics Service
ISSUE-197: SKOS Implementation: The Thesaurus of Greek Terms in SKOS
ISSUE-196: SKOS Implementation: STW Thesaurus for Economics
ISSUE-195: SKOS Implementation: UMBEL Web Services
ISSUE-194: SKOS Implementation: UMBEL Vocabulary
Telecon Agenda - Thursday 16 April
Re: Google adds another link type
SKOS comment: name "broader" confusing
Re: Are RDFa parsers responsible for URL-encoding values when generating URLs?
Re: Are RDFa parsers responsible for URL-encoding values when generating URLs?
Re: Slidy presentation with RDFa metadata
ISSUE-193: HTML served to browser even when RDF is explicitely requested in the Accept header
SKOS comment: Reference - editorial errors and problems (Ch. 1)
RDFa Test Cases updates: TC 121 fixed, TC122 added (pending review)
meeting record: 2009-04-02 RDF-in-XHTML Task Force telecon
Telecon (in an hour) - 1500 UTC
Test 0005 has a safe CURIE in @href
- Re: Test 0005 has a safe CURIE in @href
- Re: Test 0005 has a safe CURIE in @href