Re: Are RDFa parsers responsible for URL-encoding values when generating URLs?

I agree that they MUST support IRIs as input.  I think the question here 
is what should they generate as output.  I feel like the right answer is 
that they should generate IRIs and that it is the responsibility of the 
input to ensure the IRI is legal.  All the RDFa spec says is that the 
IRI associated with the prefix is concatenated with the suffix.  It 
doesn't say anything about transformation.

KANZAKI Masahide wrote:
> Hi
> 2009/3/28 Manu Sporny <>:
>> If there are no objections, I can create a test case to ensure that
>> percent-encoding is performed before the RDFa parser generates a triple.
> I think RDFa parsers should accept IRI refs [1], not performing
> percent encoding for multi-byte characters that are allowed in IRIs.
> cheers,
> [1]

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
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Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 12:25:04 UTC