Re: Test 0005 has a safe CURIE in @href

Hi Michael,

> Wondering if someone ever has looked at [1]  - please tell me what
> information is missing there ...

I think it looks excellent! It's a shame that it doesn't seem to be
linked to from anywhere that gives it any status.

> And yes, Manu's Test Harness is based on the manifest document, which is,
> btw, per RDFa TF decision the only normative source ;)

Right. I think it's probably because I'm in XForms conformance mode,
at the moment, that's making me think there is a bit of a gap here.

Over in 'XForms-world' we're getting very close to XForms 1.1
conformance across a number of implementations. The way those
implementations are testing themselves is via the test-suite. This is
available here:


and includes a zip file:


You can get to that test-suite from a test-suite page, which links to
all of the XForms test-suites:


And that page is in turn linked to from the top of the XForms home-page:


Anyway, having spent a couple of months automating tests for the
XForms implementation I've been working on, I thought I might use all
of the techniques I've 'honed' to automate the testing of my RDFa

But if you try to go through the same kind of steps to find a
test-suite in 'RDFa-world' as you would go through in 'XForms-world',
you don't seem to arrive at a clear picture of exactly which tests you
should be using.

It's true that there is a link to Manu's test harness in the RDFa
syntax document, but that's described as a 'sample test harness',
rather than something definitive, so it still leaves you uncertain as
to where you would find the definitive 'raw' tests.



Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

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Received on Thursday, 2 April 2009 15:17:02 UTC