from May 2013 by thread

Provenance examples have non conformant dates Bob Morris (Friday, 31 May)

MediaMixer Core Technology Set has been published Raphaël Troncy (Saturday, 25 May)

minor whine about documentation arrows Bob Morris (Friday, 24 May)

HTML tags, normalizations and text selectors Paolo Ciccarese (Friday, 24 May)

oa:start and end Sebastian Hellmann (Thursday, 23 May)

NIF to OA bridge Sebastian Hellmann (Wednesday, 22 May)

DCMI Types URL Bob Morris (Tuesday, 21 May)

Meeting Announcement: 25 June F2F at University of Manchester [via Open Annotation Community Group] Jacob Jett (Monday, 20 May)

Semantic Tagging and Motivation Bob Morris (Sunday, 12 May)

DC & Application Profiles (was: BIBFRAME and Open Annotation Discussion) Karen Coyle (Friday, 10 May)

[ANN] Open Annotation Model at the Cambridge Semantic Web Meetup (May 14th, 6pm, MIT Stata) Paolo Ciccarese (Thursday, 9 May)

prov:SoftwareAgents in Sec 2.2.1 Bob Morris (Tuesday, 7 May)

[ANN] Call for papers: DH-CASE 2013 Workshop Paolo Ciccarese (Monday, 6 May)

cnt:ContentAsXML Bob Morris (Friday, 3 May)

Checking the RDF for a video annotation James Smith (Thursday, 2 May)

oa:List spec Bob Morris (Thursday, 2 May)

Last message date: Friday, 31 May 2013 17:46:32 UTC