Re: Checking the RDF for a video annotation

On May 8, 2013, at 6:39 AM, Stian Soiland-Reyes <> wrote:

> On 2 May 2013 15:20, James Smith <> wrote:
>> _:svgSelector a <oa:SvgSelector> ;
>>              cnt:chars "svg source..." ;
>>              cnt:charEncoding "utf-8" ;
>                dc:format "text/svg+xml" .
> Should dc:format not be "image/svg+xml" ?

You're right. I think I was going on the logic that XML is a text format, so a namespaced XML document would also be text, instead of looking up the MIME type. Obviously, I was wrong.

> cnt:charEncoding  should be cnt:characterEncoding  - it is useful to
> keep this property as an agent who needs to save the SVG to file for
> further processing would know which character encoding to use and not
> be in conflict with any character set declared within the XML.

This was a typo on my part in transcribing to email. The code has cnt:characterEncoding for the RDF/JSON production. I've dropped it from the JSON-LD version since JSON-LD strings are Unicode, the Unicode encoding (UTF-8, -16, ...) presumably holds for the entire JSON-LD document, and I didn't see it in the suggested context while I did see other properties from the cnt: namespace.

> Using instead cnt:ContentAsXML
> would avoid
> character set issues; but would generally only be useful if your
> primary RDF format is RDF/XML.

I'm targeting JSON-LD at this point. This is a JavaScript application living in the browser, so I figure JSON-LD is a natural fit for that aspect of a video annotation system. I'll leave RDF/XML as an exercise for a server component.

>> The only thing I plan on adding at the moment for the Drupal plugin is to
>> the _:target:
>> _:target a <oa:Target> ;
>>         oa:hasSource <videoURL> ;
>>         oa:hasSelector _:selector ;
>>         oa:hasScope <pageURL> .
> Yes, this would make sense; specially when <pageURL> contains more
> than just the HTML for viewing the video (such as comments, related
> videos, a playlist)

-nod- That's the expected case here.

-- Jim

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2013 17:22:48 UTC