Re: Checking the RDF for a video annotation

On 2 May 2013 15:20, James Smith <> wrote:

> _:svgSelector a <oa:SvgSelector> ;
>               cnt:chars "svg source..." ;
>               cnt:charEncoding "utf-8" ;
                dc:format "text/svg+xml" .

Should dc:format not be "image/svg+xml" ?

cnt:charEncoding  should be cnt:characterEncoding  - it is useful to
keep this property as an agent who needs to save the SVG to file for
further processing would know which character encoding to use and not
be in conflict with any character set declared within the XML.

Using instead cnt:ContentAsXML would avoid
character set issues; but would generally only be useful if your
primary RDF format is RDF/XML.

> The only thing I plan on adding at the moment for the Drupal plugin is to
> the _:target:
> _:target a <oa:Target> ;
>          oa:hasSource <videoURL> ;
>          oa:hasSelector _:selector ;
>          oa:hasScope <pageURL> .

Yes, this would make sense; specially when <pageURL> contains more
than just the HTML for viewing the video (such as comments, related
videos, a playlist)

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2013 10:40:17 UTC