Checking the RDF for a video annotation

In preparation for next week's rollout here at MITH, I've gone through our code and slides updating them with the schema changes over the last few months. I wanted to pass the new annotation template by the list to make sure I'm getting everything right so I don't show one thing after attendees have been told something else.

An annotation produced by our video annotation toolkit will produce something like the following at the moment. The big difference from before is the composite selector and the conformance property for fragment selectors.

<anno> a <oa:Annotation> ;
       oa:hasBody _:body ;
       oa:hasTarget _:target .

_:body a <oa:Body> ;
       cnt:chars "..." ;
       cnt:charEncoding "utf-8" ;
       dc:format "text/plain" .

_:target a <oa:Target> ;
         oa:hasSource <videoURL> ;
         oa:hasSelector _:selector .

_:selector a <oa:Composite> ;
           oa:item _:svgSelector ;
           oa:item _:fragSelector .

_:svgSelector a <oa:SvgSelector> ;
              cnt:chars "svg source..." ;
              cnt:charEncoding "utf-8" ;
              dc:format "text/svg+xml" .

_:fragSelector a <oa:FragSelector> ;
               dcterms:conformsTo "" ;
               rdf:value "time constraint..." .

The only thing I plan on adding at the moment for the Drupal plugin is to the _:target:

_:target a <oa:Target> ;
         oa:hasSource <videoURL> ;
         oa:hasSelector _:selector ;
         oa:hasScope <pageURL> .


-- Jim

Received on Thursday, 2 May 2013 14:20:36 UTC