EBUCore, RDF, XML and JASON file published
Problems uploading files
Fwd: Thierry out of office.
Fwd: Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 is a Proposed Recommendation (Call for Review)
- RE: Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 is a Proposed Recommendation (Call for Review)
- VOTE: Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 is a Proposed Recommendation (Call for Review)
reviewing the JSON file for each metadata formats
- RE: reviewing the JSON file for each metadata formats
- Re: reviewing the JSON file for each metadata formats
JSON response files for metadata formats
Fwd: API for Media Resources 1.0 is a W3C Candidate Recommendation (Call for Implementations)
API for Media Resources 1.0,is now a W3C Candidate Recommendation
Cable Labs and DIG 35: missing info in the "Relation" column
Re: frameRate is missing in TVAnytime
EXIF2.2 example
datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- Re: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- AW: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- RE: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- RE: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- Re: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- RE: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- Re: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- Re: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- RE: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- Re: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- RE: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- Re: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- RE: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- Re: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- RE: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- RE: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
- AW: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf
TTML example -> JSON response
DMS SMPTE example -> JSON response
MPEG7 example -> JSON response
MediaRSS example -> JSON response
LOM2.1 example file -> JSON response
IPTC example -> JSON response
ID3 RDF file -> JSON response
EBUCore metadata example -> JSON response
Dublin Core metadata exmaple -> JSON response
DIG35 metadata example -> JSON response & mapping table questions
Media Ontology agreed to move to PR
Media Ontology Transition request
Question related to generation of normative JSON responses
Ontology document: open issues in mapping tables
- AW: Ontology document: open issues in mapping tables
- URGENT please fix Ontology document: open issues in mapping tables
[ACTION-443] Draft api test suite document
- Re: [ACTION-443] Draft api test suite document