Ontology document: open issues in mapping tables

Dear all,

i have generated empty JSON files for each metadata format. While going through the mapping tables, i encountered a few things we should change:

Mapping table for CableLabs 1.1:
 -> rating property is missing
 -> fragmentS shall be fragment
 -> namedFragmentS shall be namedFragment

Mapping table for IPTC:
 -> empty line for frameRate N/A or missing values?

Mapping table for MediaRSS:
 -> empty line for date N/A or missing values?

Mapping table for OGG:
 -> averageBitRate property is named bitRate

Mapping table for TTML:
 -> empty line for rating N/A or missing values?

Mapping table for TV-Anytime:
 -> empty line for frameRate N/A or missing values?

Mapping table for XMP:
 -> locator missing

Mapping table for Youtube:
 -> empty line for language N/A or missing values?

The naming issue with (named)fragment property seems to be in every mapping table.

Dipl. Inf. Florian Stegmaier
Chair of Distributed Information Systems
University of Passau
Innstr. 43
94032 Passau

Room 248 ITZ

Tel.: +49 851 509 3063
Fax: +49 851 509 3062


Received on Friday, 18 November 2011 09:20:58 UTC