from March 2016 by subject

3d/Depth perception

Accessibility Requirements for People with Low Vision

Action Items

Agenda: Low Vision Task Force 9 March 2016

Agenda: Low Vision Task Force telecon 16 Mar 2016

Agenda: Low Vision Task Force telecon 30 Mar 2016

Call for Review: Accessibility Requirements for People with Low Vision

conflicting ARIA functionality

CSUN - Lowvision session

Developer Responsibility and Responsive Design

LVTF members with low vision

LVTF position on contrast requirements for interactive control states

LVTF position on contrast requirements for interactive controlstates


lvtf-ACTION-37: Avila to create user need for contrast differences

lvtf-ACTION-38: Review 3.1 contrast/color user needs

lvtf-ACTION-39: Craft user need on obscured perception and operability

lvtf-ACTION-40: And wayne add to legibility references

lvtf-ACTION-41: And wayne update legibility readability section in

lvtf-ACTION-42: Write out example for 3.1.3 that covers contrast issue

lvtf-ACTION-43: Draft images user need under 3.3 perceiving for tf discussion

lvtf-ACTION-44: Do fact check on "(who) estimates that there are 246 million people worldwide who have low vision and 39 million people are blind, indicating that generally 16% of people with visual impairments are blind and 84% have low vision."

lvtf-ACTION-44: Do fact check on WHO estimates

lvtf-ACTION-45: Follow up with denis on

March 2 Minutes

Minimum Screen Resolution for AA1.4.4 Resize Text

Minutes of LVTF teleconference of 9 March 2016

Minutes: Low Vision Task Force telecon 16 March 2016

Minutes: Low Vision Task Force telecon 30 Mar. 2016

Minutes: Low Vision Taskforce telecon 2 March 2016

New view of horizontal scrolling

No Low Vision Task Force Meeting 23 Mar 2016

Obscuring active elements and text

Question about accessibility.

Transient states

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 March 2016 21:54:59 UTC