from October to December 2014 by thread

Re: [css-ruby] What does it mean for "ruby-position: inter-character" to force writing-mode to be vertical? Koji Ishii (Monday, 15 December)

Solutions to unify middle dot usage in Traditional Chinese Bobby Tung (Wednesday, 10 December)

Serif / italic is not a good solution for Kai Bobby Tung (Wednesday, 29 October)

Korean Hangul-only traditional layout? Koji Ishii (Monday, 27 October)

[css-text] Fallback alignment for unexpandable text fantasai (Thursday, 23 October)

Intermixed Hangul in Japanese // 日本語と韓国文字の行の調整処理 fantasai (Wednesday, 22 October)

Question on Text Justification of Korean fantasai (Wednesday, 22 October)

Last message date: Wednesday, 17 December 2014 20:27:35 UTC