from November 2012 by subject

@transcript=URL attribute proposal for issue 194

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)

[Bug 10248] Canvas requires a Caret Drawing call method

[Bug 10249] Canvas requires a content selection method

[Bug 10252] HTML5 hard-binds "Action" to accesskey key-press

[Bug 10481] Default role of <IMG> should be "img"

[Bug 10482] Specify how @usemap affects role (of <img> and <object>)

[Bug 10779] triggering the Action of the command via accesskey

[Bug 10780] reference to definition of Action insufficient for definition of accesskey

[Bug 10888] Access Command Requirements for HTML5

[Bug 10905] clarify how assigning an accesskey to an element affects the elements default role

[Bug 10994] accessKeyLabel can expose new information about the user and possibly also other origins

[Bug 11140] Subject: Physical Keys and Gestures for "accesskey" attribute The use of ASCII/Unicode code points for key binding has numerous well-known drawbacks. There are vital physical keyboard keys with no Unicode representation. Even for the main alphabet keys sp

[Bug 11238] Enable canvas to support accessible rich text editing

[Bug 11240] Canvas support accessible selection position tracking independent of Focus Ring tracking

[Bug 12306] "When authors use the canvas element, they must also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas." While everyone can probably agree that alternative content is a good idea when f

[Bug 12726] Document should be on the Note-track

[Bug 12906] Canvas should not pretend that it can be used to replace some input elements

[Bug 13103] Visual formatting of content inside the pre element isn't available to assistive technologies

[Bug 13181] Canvas does not allow mouse events to be directed to keyboard accessible objects in fallback content

[Bug 13359] <track> A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13429] Section 7.5 contenteditable and designMode must make navigation consistent platform conventions

[Bug 13430] 2.2.3 Extensibility

[Bug 13436] Editorial changes to The Video element (4 of 5)

[Bug 13614] Define <th abbr=""> as a way to provide a name for a row/column that is used when describing cells for which that cell is a header

[Bug 13668] Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 14419] when canvas isn't supported, or for blind users, the canvas element's content should be displayed, so excluding input types like text and select is discriminatory

[Bug 19277] Relationship and precedence of hidden="" and display:none should be clarified/defined

[Bug 19279] What happens to focus when element with focus has @hidden set

[Bug 8722] focus behaviour should be same for canvas regions as for elements

[Bug 9061] allow image maps on the canvas element.

[NVDA] #809: Support for longdesc in web browsers

Agenda: HTML-A11y bug triage telecon, 13th November 2012

Agenda: HTML-A11y bug triage telecon, 20th November 2012

Agenda: HTML-A11y bug triage telecon, 28th November 2012

alt text in HTML5

Announcing New Co-Facilitators for the HTML-A11Y Task Force

Call for Consensus (CFC) to move forward the HTML5 Image Description Extension spec for publication (FPWD)

Call in 5 minutes Re: Invitation: HTML Accessibility TF teleconf, 29 November

change proposal for <main>: possible validation warning heuristic for misuse

Disabling user focus for an entire section (Was: Spec does not appear to define what it means to be a "modal" dialog (e.g. focus concerns should be included))

Fwd: Alt-Techniques Formal Objection Rationale

Fwd: rationale for keeping alt text spec as normative.

Fwd: request to publish 'Using ARIA in HTML' as a FPWD

Fwd: Usage of Alt

HTML a11y bugs requiring action

html accessibility taskforce minutes [draft] for 08 november

HTML-A11y ARIA bugs

HTML-A11Y Task Force Agenda for 15 November at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

HTML-A11Y Task Force Agenda for 8 November at 16:00Z for 60 minutes

Image description extension review

Invitation: HTML Accessibility TF teleconf, 29 November

longdesc using #id

main element parsing behaviour

main spec updated - changes to parsing and rendering

Meeting minutes Nov 15, 2012 ATF

Minutes HTML-A11y bug triage telecon, 13th November 2012

Minutes, CfC's from today.

Minutes: HTML-A11y bug triage telecon, 20th November 2012

Minutes: HTML-A11y bug triage telecon, 28th November 2012

Minutes: TF call for Nov. 29th

No HTML accessibility Taskforce meeting this week

Outstanding canvas bugs assessment

re transcript attribute proposal for issue 194

review of HTML5 image description extension - intial thoughts

Spec does not appear to define what it means to be a "modal" dialog (e.g. focus concerns should be included)

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2012-11-15- Actions, CR drafts, FPWD for main, Task Force reports

Last message date: Friday, 30 November 2012 22:42:07 UTC