Call for Consensus (CFC) to move forward the HTML5 Image Description Extension spec for publication (FPWD)

Hi all,

We are calling for consensus on the HTML5 Image Description Extension
specification [1]

We have asked for and received feedback on the specification from task
force members.

The question we are asking task force members:

Is this specification ready to be put forward by the Task force to the HTML
WG and the Protocols and Formats WG for consideration for publication as a
first public working draft (FPWD)?

Please note: As a Working Draft publication, the document does not need not
be complete, to meet all technical requirements, or to have consensus on
the contents.

Silence will be taken to mean there is no objection, but positive responses
are encouraged.

If there are no objections by Thursday, November 29th (Close of business,
or 23:59 Boston Time), this resolution will carry.

Other considerations to note:

- As a First Public Working Draft, this publication will trigger patent
policy review.


On behalf of the task force chairs:

Janina, Steve and Chaals

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG

Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2012 12:16:49 UTC