from January 2003 by subject

[WP10] D10.2 - Mapping data from RDBMS

[WP2] Tech Coordination doc

[WP3] SWAD-Europe Wiki installation - gone live

[WP5][WP6] Experience with Edinburgh Schema Mapping Framework (ESME)

[WP6] Experience with Edinburgh Schema Mapping Framework (ESME)

[WP6] xml_sw_prototype_math_logic - application scenarios: Company Accounts

[WP8] RDF thesaurus schema early start -- can you supply sche ma?

[WP8] RDF thesaurus schema early start -- can you supply schema?

[WP8] requested mailing list: public-esw-thes / Wordnet vocab.

[WP?;] shared whitelist writeup

A proposed theme for SW Activity phase 2: 'SW on the Web'

added Nikki Rogers, Paul Shabajee to swad-e mailing list

Agenda for face to face

Agenda for SWAD Europe meeting

corected URI Re: Initial Workshop Report "last call"

General FAQs

IBIS vocab for semblogging

Initial Workshop Report "last call"

Installing an Annotea server

Linking between reports Re: General FAQs

Movable Type (weblog management) installation for SWAD-Europe

New Public mailing list - public-esw-thes - maintained by Dan Brickley

Perl module for FOAF

RDF and access control

RDF query for SQL data

RDF query test cases?

RDF query testcases?

RDF/XML format for email and other messages

SWAD-Europe Report: Mapping Semantic Web Data with RDBMSes

Trip report, IST2002 Copenhagen 04-06 November 2002 (fwd)

Vocabulary for result sets

When to use Weblog, when to use mailing list? (example re schema anno msg)

Last message date: Friday, 31 January 2003 05:16:17 UTC