Re: When to use Weblog, when to use mailing list? (example re schema anno msg)

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Dan Brickley wrote:

>A couple of people have asked me about the Weblog, generally being favourable
>but not sure when to use it instead of the mailing list, and wary of splitting
>discussions across too many fora / technologies.
>For eg., I just scribbled this note
>about the Schema annotation experiments. It took a couple of minutes, which
>since the weblog is RSS-syndicated is probably worth the effort, as it can
>keep a wider audience up to date with our ongoing work.
>I also share such links in #rdfig, the RDF Interest Group IRC channel, since that too
>has a Weblog and RSS view (see and is widely read by
>RDF folk. Unless you are a regular there, I doubt many will want to enter their
>URLs/descriptions a 3rd time though.

Do we have some mechanism so that we can feed our stuff from public-esw to
#rdfig? Have we thought long about the implications of doing that (how do you
distinguish between spam and legitimate information - is it that an
individual produced something as a one-off? ....)



Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2003 02:44:33 UTC