RDF and access control

Following from my earlier work as part of the RAL contribution to SWAD-E, 
another couple of documents are now available for review:

1.  "Scenarios for using RDF in support of Trust and Access Control"
This memo describes some scenarios in which RDF might be used to model 
trust and access control in networked systems.
This describes a range of trust- and authorization-related scenarios, some 
of which may form the basis of further exploratory development, such as...

2.  "Using RDF for Home Network Configuration"
This memo describes the use of RDF metadata in configuring Internet access 
from a home network. Its goal is to demonstrate the practical applicability 
of common semantic web technologies in a simple real-world based 
scenario.  The work has been inspired in part by an architectural proposal 
for XML network configuration submitted to the IETF.
This describes an exploration of one of the scenarios from the previous 
document.  There are links to all the source files used (Notation3).  For 
an overview of the application, with links to source files, see: 

I would be interested to hear how folks react to my (tentative) 


Separately from RAL-sponsored work, I have also prepared a metadata 
workshop presentation to be given at the SAINT 2003 symposium in Januray 
2003 (http://www.saint2003.org/), with the goal of exposing RDF through the 
discussion of a particular scenario.  This is at:


My SWAD-E page is at:


Graham Klyne

Received on Monday, 6 January 2003 10:05:04 UTC