Installing an Annotea server

Hi folks, as part of the report on anotea systems I am writing up
instructions for installing the ZAnnot server. I packaged it for the Mac OS X
fink system, where it is avialable in the "unstable" version, and it is easy
enough to install in Windows (as I found) and Debian (reported by danbri
following the instructions page).

I have started on the "dummies guide" at
Comments are welcome - I hope to complete it this week - I have other things
to do, including hopefully write up a dummies guide for the W3C Annotea
server - anyone who has installed that already and has pointers is invited to
share them...



Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
SWAD-E         fax(france): +33 4 92 38 78 22
 Post:   21 Mitchell street, FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia    or
 W3C, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2003 03:27:06 UTC