[WP8] RDF thesaurus schema early start -- can you supply schema?


per http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/plan/workpackages/live/esw-wp-8.html and 
discussions yesterday, can you mail me your version of the RDF Thesauri Schema
so I can get it set up as a namespace at http://www.w3.org/ someplace for 
discussion, testing etc? 
We should have a mailing list for this too, soon (public-esw-thes).

It'd be useful if you could outline the main differences between that and the 
earlier one I worked on with Phil Cross and Traugott Koch, since we have code for 
the latter knocking around at ILRT somewhere, and it'd be great to consolidate things.

Is http://www.limber.rl.ac.uk/External/SW_conf_thes_paper.htm still an accurate 
description of the work you folks have done?



Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2003 07:48:20 UTC