from March 2004 by subject

'prefLabel' and 'descriptor'

2 recent references - NKOS JoDI issue and 'How to Make a Faceted Classification and Put It On the Web'

Announcing SKOS-Core 1.0 - an RDF Schema for Thesauri

Arrays of concepts

Coverage of SKOS-Core 1.0

Definition of "facet"

Difference between dc:subject and foaf:topic

Example from DCQ

faceted classification

Facets in SKOS-Core 1.0

First completed draft of SKOS-Core 1.0 guide and schema

Labelling style

merging and mapping

Mission statement for SKOS

Modelling 'term-to-term' relationships in SKOS

new W3C Semantic Web Best Practices + Deployment WG: rdf+thesaurus task force

Related and RelatedSymmetric


SKOS-Core 1.0 Guide draft is online

SKOS-Core 1.0 release

SKOS-Core drafts


subject and topic RE: What is a concept?


Thesaurus FAQ Entry: 'How can I make my thesaurus a part of the s emantic web?'

Thesaurus FAQ Entry: 'How can I make my thesaurus a part of the semantic web?'

unique altLabels

unique prefLabels?

Using dc:subject and foaf:topic with SKOS

What is a concept?

Last message date: Monday, 29 March 2004 05:06:51 UTC