Re: faceted classification

Hi Alistair, folks,

fyi, there's a 'vanilla' XML format for facetted classification with the 
obvious acronym XFML [1]. It's primarily aimed at web site data (such as 
blogs). The model/syntax is close to parts of Topic Maps/XTM, and 
considers facets to be mutually exclusive categories, which may form 
part of a hierarchical classification.

I'm pointing to it now because there are some good refs on facets around 
that area [2], and I've a feeling facetting may be a very powerful tool 
in the SKOS kit. Also I'm wondering whether some of the data that's been 
marked up in XFML could be automatically translated into SKOS/RDF. That 
the format yields well to XSLT is demonstrated at [3] - view source.

btw, XFML doesn't really have a mechanism for enforcing the mutual 
exclusion, it's assumes the cataloguer will look after that.

Note too that Siderean Software have done a fair amount of work with 
facetted classification and RDF [4].



Received on Monday, 22 March 2004 09:21:35 UTC