Re: Coverage of SKOS-Core 1.0

Dan Brickley wrote:

>* Miles, AJ (Alistair)  <> [2004-03-16 12:41-0000]
>>I believe SKOS-Core is suitable for encoding any type of KOS whose
>>fundamental unit may be modelled as a concept.
>What is a concept?
>Sorry, had to ask...
>(might also ask what a fundamental unit is... what's the fundamental
>unit of RDF? terms? URIs? resources? classes? hard to tell...)
It might be an idea to have a nosey around the SUO [1] and Conceptual 
Graph [2] material for wording of parts like this - they've spent a lot 
of time counting these angels.

Fundamental unit of the  =>Resource<= [hint hint] Description Framework? 
(Mind you, that would probably lead to "Thing Ontology Language")




Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2004 08:56:36 UTC