Meeting next Tuesday November 7th
dxwg-ACTION-52: Move makx's new use case into ucr draft
Agenda, October 31 !!Check your time!!
FW: funding-grant vocabulary
Transport DCAT-AP
Use case requirement 6.13.1
dxwg-ACTION-51: Update text in 6.13
dxwg-ACTION-50: Create use case relating to real world entities as source of data
regrets for today's meeting
Fwd: dxwg-ACTION-44: Go back to use cases to discover which resources need versioning, and create specific requirements
Requirements grouping suggestion
Update on versioning for Monday?
dxwg-ACTION-49: Propose possible types for versioning
Agenda for Monday October 23rd
dxwg-ACTION-48: Generate graphical representation of the version definition problem space
dxwg-ACTION-47: Look at providing draft naming of groups for rest of requirements
dxwg-ACTION-46: Contact lars via email to see if can do an hour later at 9pm utc
Meeting agenda October 16
Timezones redux - please pay attention to 1990-2200UTC
RE: Relating versions and UC47 (Define update method)
- Re: Relating versions and UC47 (Define update method)
- RE: Relating versions and UC47 (Define update method)