Alexandra Lacourba
Axel Polleres
- Re: Next call: May 7 (Re: DPVCG call tomorrow) (Wednesday, 24 April)
- ACTION-84 and ACTION-92 (Wednesday, 24 April)
- Re: DPVCG call tomorrow (Wednesday, 24 April)
- ACTION-83 + ACTION-85 status (technicalorgameasures) (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 22 April)
- DPVCG call tomorrow (Monday, 22 April)
- ACTION-98 (Monday, 22 April)
- ACTION-97 (was: ACTION-89) (Monday, 22 April)
- ACTION-89 (Monday, 22 April)
- Re: structure form to consolidate taxonomies (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Re: ontology "population" template for tomorrow... (Wednesday, 3 April)
- ontology "population" template for tomorrow... (Wednesday, 3 April)
- structure form to consolidate taxonomies (Tuesday, 2 April)
- Re: Telcon Today agenda (Tuesday, 2 April)
- Telcon Today agenda (Tuesday, 2 April)
- Re: Vienna meeting and next Telecon (was: Re: No telcon today) (Monday, 1 April)
- Re: Vienna meeting and next Telecon (was: Re: No telcon today) (Monday, 1 April)
Bert Bos
Bud Bruegger
- Re: Fwd: Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Wednesday, 10 April)
- Re: Fwd: Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Tuesday, 9 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: dpvcg-ACTION-100: Find urls for gdpr articles. (Monday, 8 April)
- explicit consent according to the GDPR (Thursday, 4 April)
- Fwd: Re: dpvcg-ACTION-66: Look into structuring processing categories, ramisa, bud, eva to help/review. (Thursday, 4 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal 6bases (Thursday, 4 April)
- Re: structure form to consolidate taxonomies (Wednesday, 3 April)
- ConsentReceipt: ULD slides for F2F meeting (Tuesday, 2 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal 6bases (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Re: structure form to consolidate taxonomies (Tuesday, 2 April)
- Re: Vienna meeting and next Telecon (was: Re: No telcon today) (Monday, 1 April)
Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group Issue Tracker
- dpvcg-ACTION-102: Copy definitions for storagelocation and storageduration from special for now. (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-101: Check after next telco, which terms relate how to special vocabularies (initially link them with rdfs:seealso (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-100: Find urls for gdpr articles. (Friday, 5 April)
- ISSUE-18: Do we need further temporal annotations for the personal data handling class? (Friday, 5 April)
- ISSUE-17: Do we need further temporal annotations for the personal data handling class? (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-99: Look into where to publish our cg spec, and how to redirect from the namespace doc to the spec. (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-98: Define process for feedback in spec document. (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-97: Define a process to get from spreadsheets to spec. (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-96: Consolidate consent part. (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-95: Complete legal basis (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-94: Finish purposes. (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-93: Drive discussion on recipients, data controllers, data subjects forward (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-92: Finish personal data categories and transfer what we agreed upon to the spreadsheet. (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-91: Provide his conversion of nace as rdfs/owl (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-90: Finish technical organisational measures part in the spreadsheet by next call (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-89: Finish base ontology by next call (within 2 weeks) (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-88: Put list of processing types into processing vocab on spreadsheet, merge with spcial terms, add descriptions. (Friday, 5 April)
- ISSUE-16: Do we need to further structure consent notice? (Friday, 5 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-87: Make a proposal alternatively use gics instead of nace. (Thursday, 4 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-86: Clean first complete version of legal basis (Thursday, 4 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-85: Create first version of complete technicalorgameasures (Thursday, 4 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-84: Create a first version of personal data complete ontology. (Thursday, 4 April)
- ISSUE-15: Personal data cateories collected might be collected in an approximate manner (e.g. age vs. age range), should we provide a mechanism in the vocabulary to distinguish this? (Thursday, 4 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-83: (with the help/review) of axel, put results of the technicalorganisationalmeasures session to thespreadsheet (Thursday, 4 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-82: Compile the owl file for the nace r2 codes. (Thursday, 4 April)
- ISSUE-14: We may want to add a non-normative comment in the spec that/how the taxonomy can be used as skos. (Thursday, 4 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-81: Put internet scope/wider scope on the agenda tomorrow. (Thursday, 4 April)
- ISSUE-13: Decide later whether we need sub-namespaces for different subtaxonomies (Thursday, 4 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-80: Prepare a templte for the spreadsheet. (Tuesday, 2 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-79: Discuss with harsh how/whether to use github as a template. (Tuesday, 2 April)
- dpvcg-ACTION-78: Tell us which sessions she plans to join. (Tuesday, 2 April)
Eva Schlehahn
Harshvardhan J. Pandit
- Re: DPVCG call tomorrow (Wednesday, 24 April)
- Re: DPVCG call tomorrow (Wednesday, 24 April)
- Re: ACTION-97 (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Re: ACTION-89 (Monday, 22 April)
- Re: Fwd: Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Tuesday, 9 April)
- Re: Fwd: Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Tuesday, 9 April)
- Fwd: Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Tuesday, 9 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Tuesday, 9 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: dpvcg-ACTION-100: Find urls for gdpr articles. (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: dpvcg-ACTION-100: Find urls for gdpr articles. (Monday, 8 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal bases (Monday, 8 April)
- Fwd: dpvcg-ACTION-68: consent elements (Thursday, 4 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal 6bases (Thursday, 4 April)
- Re: structure form to consolidate taxonomies (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Re: structure form to consolidate taxonomies (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal 6bases (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Re: structure form to consolidate taxonomies (Tuesday, 2 April)
- Re: Taxonomy of legal 6bases (Tuesday, 2 April)
Javier D. Fernández
Joss Langford
Mark @ OC
Rigo Wenning
Rob Brennan
Simon Steyskal
Last message date: Wednesday, 24 April 2019 17:22:14 UTC