from August 2014 by subject

[admin] Agenda - DAP Distributed Meeting 21 August 2014

[admin] Agenda - DAP Distributed Meeting 7 August 2014

[battery] Battery Issue summary and status

[battery] CfC concluded: publish new LC draft of Battery API

[battery] Cordova's feedback on the promise-based API (was: DAP-ISSUE-169)

[light] Update - not requesting CR transition for Ambient Light given new implementer feedback

[minutes] draft minutes from DAP 2014-08-21 call

Ambient light API redesign

CfC concluded: publish CR drafts of HTML Media Capture, Ambient Light Events, and the Vibration API

CfC: publish CR drafts of HTML Media Capture, Ambient Light Events, and the Vibration API, respond by 21 August 2014

CfC: publish new LC draft of Battery API, respond by 21 August 2014

DAP-ISSUE-165: Clarify language around multiple batteries [Battery Status API]

DAP-ISSUE-166: Should getBattery() always return the same promise?

DAP-ISSUE-167: Should Promises be used in Battery API [Battery Status API]

DAP-ISSUE-168: getBattery() vs. requestBattery() pattern [Battery Status API]

DAP-ISSUE-169: Battery API needs to be more event driven and async, less device centric. [Battery Status API]

DAP-ISSUE-170: light levels are not retrievable until a change causes the devicelight event to fire. [Ambient Light Events API]

draft minutes from today's teleconference, 7 Aug 2014

FYI: Summary of resources updated for 1 August 2014 Process

Last Call of Battery API published, LC ends 2 October 2014

Neo Ubimedia MindTrek Award - 31st August 2014 - THE competition for pervasive/ubiquitous/ambient 'minded'...

Plan to progress "wake lock"/"standby API"

progressing to CR for HTML Media Capture, Ambient Light Events, and Vibration API

publish new LC draft of Battery API, respond by 21 August 2014

SAME 2014@NORDCHI - Ambient & Smart Media Usability, Interaction, and Media Technologies - 2nd SEPTEMBER 2014 (extended)

Vibration spec and Cordova integration update

Vibration test update (Re ACTION-701: DAP testing status)

Wake Lock FPWD publication plan, Re: [minutes] draft minutes from DAP 2014-08-21 call

Work on new charter? (was: Call for potential DAP charter additions - please respond by 7 July 2014)

Last message date: Friday, 29 August 2014 14:10:52 UTC