Re: DAP-ISSUE-166: Should getBattery() always return the same promise?

On Fri, 8 Aug 2014, at 19:47, Kostiainen, Anssi wrote:
> I see no downsides in doing this, thus I suggest we change to the
> following:
> [[
> * Let /promise/ be a newly created Promise and return it.
> ]]
> Into:
> [[
> * If there is an initialized-but-unresolved Promise object returned by
> getBattery(), let /promise/ be that Promise object.
> * Otherwise, let /promise/ be a newly created Promise.
> * Return /promise/.
> ]]
> For the contest, please see:
> All - please report any bugs in the algorithm, and let us know if you
> have any concerns with this change. I’ll land this change later if I hear
> no concerns.

Why not simply returning the same Promise all the time instead of only
returning un-resolved promises?

-- Mounir

Received on Friday, 8 August 2014 13:13:19 UTC