from August 2019 by subject

[ontolog-forum] Fwd: NL, formal logic, machine language, etc.

[ontolog-forum] New Postulate formulation on AI KR

AI can do Better with KR: AI KR Talk in Taipei, contribution

AI KR FOR AI Commons workshop - Dec. 6

AI KR Talk in Taipei, contributions?

AI KR, Figshare & DOIs

AI Standards - NIST august 2019

AI tools for scientific literature exploration and cognitive discovery and the use of semantic technologies therein

Clinical Trials

DRAFT (Late) Feedback for NIST on the AI Standards Workshop

Fwd: Fw: AI tools for scientific literature exploration and cognitive discovery and the use of semantic technologies therein

Fwd: NL, formal logic, machine language, etc.

KG as KR as rubbish?

KR in sanskrit - summer read

New Postulate formulation on AI KR

NL, formal logic, machine language, etc.

On the shortfalls of Knowledge Graphs

Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks


Turtle & StratML

Updates - welcome newcomers, and KR implications of the new research

Useful Knowledge

Zotero KR Library Folder structure

Last message date: Friday, 30 August 2019 00:36:23 UTC