Re: AI KR Talk in Taipei, contributions?

My contribution .. using my own suggestion for Title :}

Carl Mattocks

It was a pleasure to clarify

On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 2:56 PM carl mattocks <>

> Excellent Title for one or more slides
> AI can do better ... if only we have the understanding
> Carl Mattocks
> It was a pleasure to clarify
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 1:35 PM Owen Ambur <> wrote:
>> Paola, I added a slide entitled "'Machine-Readable Knowledge for Results"
>> and made a few other tweaks in the attached update.
>> Having spent my entire 34-year career in government, I too dislike
>> politics.  I'm aiming to disintermediate politics and politicians from as
>> much as possible -- in a peer-to-peer based worldwide web of intentions,
>> stakeholders, and results (which is the vision of the StratML standard).
>> It is not politicians who are to blame so much as We the People
>> ourselves.  We can do better ... if only we have the understanding and will
>> to do so.
>> Is that not the purpose of "representing" knowledge?
>> Owen
>> On 8/21/2019 11:01 PM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>> Thank you Owen
>> You send so much stuff and seems all good
>> I completely dislike politics, makes me dizzy even
>> I can easily add two links to the slides and video to my slides and paper
>> as pointers to this work
>> Please take a few more days to elaborate with your associates0 we have
>> one week or so -
>>  please give url for both the resources you attached and  if you could
>> edit to explain (assuming the audience may not know) with a simple sentence
>> for each point
>> - what is machine readability
>> - how is stratml good to deliver machine readabiity and other benefits vs
>> other options
>> (with link to
>> - how is machine redabiity relates to KR and explainability
>> This will make the contribution more relevant to the talk
>> thank you
>> P
>> On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 10:47 AM Owen Ambur <>
>> wrote:
>>> Paola, there's nifty introduction to StratML presentation at
>>> However, it is a bit outdated, is not particularly tailored for a KR
>>> audience, and probably includes TMI as well.  So I whipped up the attached
>>> four slides.  Please let me know if you'd like anything more or different.
>>> This site reads a previous version of Wikipedia's article on StratML for
>>> the benefit of the blind, including information subsequently deleted by the
>>> Wikipedia police:
>>> I'm not much for making (or watching) videos myself but I know that many
>>> others are.  So I'm copying a couple of my associates in the event they may
>>> wish to take up that cause.
>>> It's not just politicians who don't want to be held accountable.  That's
>>> human nature.  So beyond the obligation of each of us to hold ourselves and
>>> our immediate associates accountable, we also have the power to hold public
>>> officials accountable -- regardless of whether they are willing "man up" to
>>> doing so themselves or not.  However, accountability means more than merely
>>> holding opinions and criticizing, based upon our own biases and dueling
>>> narratives.  It requires clearly specified performance metrics, readily
>>> available to stakeholders.
>>> In short it requires an open, standard, machine-readable format like
>>> StratML.
>>> President Trump's management agenda is available in StratML format at
>>>, along with a link that
>>> opens it in an XForm for anyone who may wish to reports his
>>> administration's performance against those objectives.
>>> Former President Obama's agenda is available at
>>> A bunch of candidate issue statements are available in StratML format at
>>> The question is whether voters truly want change or whether, like
>>> politicians themselves, they are satisfied with more of the same,
>>> self-serving #GOFPAU
>>> <>
>>> and only care about gaining the upper hand to impose their will upon
>>> others... in which case we will be demonstrating a sadly lacking sense of
>>> enlightenment ... an inability to learn from the mistakes of the past, thus
>>> dooming future generations to re-living it.
>>> |
>>> If that's the case, shame on us.
>>> Owen
>>> On 8/21/2019 12:35 PM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>>> Thank you Owen
>>> Most politicians do not really want to be held accountable for what they
>>> say or do, especially when
>>> their missions fail for unknown reasons (manouvers in political
>>> underworld to ensure discord) really
>>> that is the problem that xml wont fix.
>>> People who understand machine readability, do not need to be convinced
>>> of anything, those who dont understanding may need a quick lecture,
>>> I ll make sure your contribution is included with your compliments :-)
>>> if you want to create
>>> a short video or set of slides introducing stratML in a few bullet
>>> points also its relation to KR
>>> I can also include it as a link as a footnote in the slides and paper
>>> Delivers value and does not cost anything
>>> Thanks
>>> PDM
>>> On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 12:17 AM Owen Ambur <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Paola, I'm not sure how it might fit into your outline, but from my
>>>> perspective, any discussion of "explainability in e-governance" would
>>>> be
>>>> incomplete without addressing the importance of machine-readable public
>>>> records based upon internationally standardized schemas.
>>>> |
>>>> E-gov plans and performance reports are particularly important sets of
>>>> such documents.
>>>> BTW, it would also be good if the agendas for events like this were
>>>> published as performance plans in an open, standard, machine-readable
>>>> format like StratML Part 2 (formerly ANSI/AIIM 22:2017) so that
>>>> value-added intermediaries could facilitate stakeholder collaboration
>>>> before, during, and after each event. See, for example,
>>>> In any event, IACT and TEG's about statements are now in the StratML
>>>> collection at &
>>>> Owen
>>>> On 8/21/2019 1:14 AM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>>>> > We are giving a talk *and a paper next month on the topic
>>>> >
>>>> > AI KR for Explainability in EGovernance
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > The outline of the talk so far is: (2-4 slides for each point)
>>>> > overview and intro about AI KR and explainability (assuming audience
>>>> > doesn know)
>>>> > relevance to E-Governance
>>>> > challenges and solutions
>>>> > actions (probably referring people back to this group)
>>>> >
>>>> > If anyone is interested in contributing a few slides and a paragraph
>>>> > or two
>>>> > let me know and I ll share the drafts for editing, so that you can
>>>> > fill out a few bits
>>>> > and of course be credited accordingly
>>>> >
>>>> > deadline for final submission is 1 Sept , so all contributions must
>>>> > reach me before Aug 30
>>>> > so that I can edit them into the draft
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks, best regards

Received on Friday, 23 August 2019 16:44:30 UTC