Re: [ontolog-forum] Fwd: NL, formal logic, machine language, etc.


P.P.S. Actually, on further study of the description of Link Grammar at

perhaps the design of Tala presented in Chapter 5 of (Jackson, 2014) already is equivalent or similar to a Link Grammar.  I'd be glad to discuss this further with you offline.


From: <> on behalf of Philip Jackson <>
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2019 8:29 PM
To: ontolog-forum <>
Cc: W3C AIKR CG <>
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Fwd: NL, formal logic, machine language, etc.

P.S. The TalaMind approach would also support use of other natural languages besides English.

From: Philip Jackson <>
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2019 8:25 PM
To: ontolog-forum <>
Cc: W3C AIKR CG <>
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Fwd: NL, formal logic, machine language, etc.


The Tala language follows a dependency grammar approach to English syntax, but the use of dependency grammar is not required by the thesis approach. Other kinds of grammars for English (e.g. Link Grammar) could be explored in future research.


From: <> on behalf of Alex Shkotin <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 4:41 AM
To: ontolog-forum <>
Cc: W3C AIKR CG <>
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Fwd: NL, formal logic, machine language, etc.


Tala(C)L sentence<> looks like Link Grammar processed - this is interesting if true.


×Ô, 20 Á×Ç. 2019 Ç. × 06:39, Paola Di Maio <<>>:
Sharing Philip's offlist reply with valuable website and publications

It really inspires to publish a personal website, should do the same

I find a lot of the AGI I hear about is sill very narrow in a general sense

Maybe Philip's can help us to move on away from narrow AGI
A lot to read!!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Philip Jackson <<>>
Date: Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 9:23 PM
Subject: NL, formal logic, machine language, etc.
To:<> <<>>

Hello Paola,

This topic is discussed somewhat in my thesis and subsequent papers, available via the Publications page at<>.


Phil Jackson

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