Re: AI KR Talk in Taipei, contributions?

Thank you Owen
Most politicians do not really want to be held accountable for what they
say or do, especially when
their missions fail for unknown reasons (manouvers in political underworld
to ensure discord) really
that is the problem that xml wont fix.

People who understand machine readability, do not need to be convinced
of anything, those who dont understanding may need a quick lecture,

I ll make sure your contribution is included with your compliments :-) if
you want to create
a short video or set of slides introducing stratML in a few bullet points
also its relation to KR
I can also include it as a link as a footnote in the slides and paper
Delivers value and does not cost anything


On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 12:17 AM Owen Ambur <> wrote:

> Paola, I'm not sure how it might fit into your outline, but from my
> perspective, any discussion of "explainability in e-governance" would be
> incomplete without addressing the importance of machine-readable public
> records based upon internationally standardized schemas.
> |
> E-gov plans and performance reports are particularly important sets of
> such documents.
> BTW, it would also be good if the agendas for events like this were
> published as performance plans in an open, standard, machine-readable
> format like StratML Part 2 (formerly ANSI/AIIM 22:2017) so that
> value-added intermediaries could facilitate stakeholder collaboration
> before, during, and after each event. See, for example,
> In any event, IACT and TEG's about statements are now in the StratML
> collection at &
> Owen
> On 8/21/2019 1:14 AM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
> > We are giving a talk *and a paper next month on the topic
> >
> > AI KR for Explainability in EGovernance
> >
> >
> > The outline of the talk so far is: (2-4 slides for each point)
> > overview and intro about AI KR and explainability (assuming audience
> > doesn know)
> > relevance to E-Governance
> > challenges and solutions
> > actions (probably referring people back to this group)
> >
> > If anyone is interested in contributing a few slides and a paragraph
> > or two
> > let me know and I ll share the drafts for editing, so that you can
> > fill out a few bits
> > and of course be credited accordingly
> >
> > deadline for final submission is 1 Sept , so all contributions must
> > reach me before Aug 30
> > so that I can edit them into the draft
> >
> > Thanks, best regards

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2019 16:36:16 UTC