from April 2007 by subject

[minutes] Checker meeting of 12 April 2007

[minutes] Dublin F2F day 1

[minutes] Dublin F2F day 2

[momodublin] Inaugural debrief

A little late tomorrow's meeting

ACTION-454 complete

ACTION-455 complete

Architectural Ideas

Finding a good time for a weekly teleconf (Was: Weekly teleconf slot booked [Fwd: [done] Re: Teleconf request])

Mobile Monday Dublin is tonight!

mobileOK intermediate format (moki)

More code checked in

Next F2F meeting: June, London?

Notes on EARL and mobileOK Basic test results

Notes on timelines, deliverables

Ready to commit more code updates

SVG Version of Mind Map for Intermediate Document Format

Updated design document

Weekly teleconf slot booked [Fwd: [done] Re: Teleconf request]

Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2007 21:59:16 UTC