from November 2011 by subject

[ACTION-443] Draft api test suite document

[AGENDA] Media Annotation WG Teleconf - 2011-11-22

API for Media Resources 1.0,is now a W3C Candidate Recommendation

API transition

AW: [ACTION-443] Draft api test suite document

AW: datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf

AW: Ontology document: open issues in mapping tables

Cable Labs and DIG 35: missing info in the "Relation" column

CFP: TKE 2012 - New frontiers in the constructive symbiosis of terminology and knowledge engineering

datatypes without xsd namespace information in ma-ont.rdf

DIG35 metadata example -> JSON response & mapping table questions

DMS SMPTE example -> JSON response

Dublin Core metadata exmaple -> JSON response

EBUCore example -> JSON response

EBUCore metadata example -> JSON response

EBUCore, RDF, XML and JASON file published

EXIF2.2 example

feedback on implementation

frameRate is missing in TVAnytime

Fwd: API for Media Resources 1.0 is a W3C Candidate Recommendation (Call for Implementations)

Fwd: Ontology document: open issues in mapping tables

Fwd: Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 is a Proposed Recommendation (Call for Review)

Fwd: Re: HTTP status codes for API spec to CR.

Fwd: Thierry out of office.

ID3 RDF file -> JSON response

IPTC example -> JSON response

JSON response files for metadata formats

LOM2.1 example file -> JSON response

Media Fragments URI - Acknowledgements section

Media Ontology agreed to move to PR

Media Ontology Transition request

MediaRSS example -> JSON response

missing info in the properties YouTube mapping of MA ontology

MPEG7 example -> JSON response

MTAP Special Issue on "Multimedia on the Web" || Extended Submission Deadline: 30. November

Ontology document: open issues in mapping tables

Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 is a Proposed Recommendation (Call for Review)

Problems uploading files

Question related to generation of normative JSON responses

Reaction for webkit item

reviewing the JSON file for each metadata formats issue

status code in JSAOn file

Testsuite file examples

TTML example -> JSON response

URGENT please fix Ontology document: open issues in mapping tables

VOTE: Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 is a Proposed Recommendation (Call for Review)

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 November 2011 20:26:50 UTC