from June 2015 by subject

(Admin) Re: application/csvm+json magic number [was Re: .well-known]


application/csvm+json magic number [was Re: .well-known]

Change standard directory metadata filename? [was Re: .well-known]

Comparison CSVW csv2rdf with (R2)RML

Conditions when validators raise errors

CSV on the Web review: Marking tables as right-to-left in the media type

csvm @context clarification [was Re: .well-known]

CSVW Test Suite

encoding of json

i18n-ISSUE-466: Can JSON data be generated from non UTF-8 encoded CSV data

i18n-ISSUE-467: What are the rules for string equality when column names are matched with annotations

i18n-ISSUE-468: Do Unicode Strings get normalized when placed into JSON data

i18n-ISSUE-473: Can RDF data be generated from non UTF-8 encoded CSV data

i18n-ISSUE-474: What are the rules for string equality when column names are matched with annotations

i18n-ISSUE-475: Do Unicode Strings get normalized when placed into RDF

Implementors please step forward!

Issue and PR status...

javascript implementation update

Locating file- and directory-specific metadata (Was: Re: Spec review request: CSV on the Web)

Matching a column header with leading or trailing whitespace?

Poll on use of .well-known to specify non-standard CSV metadata filenames

Proposed Implementation

Regrets for this week's call

Regrets for this week's meeting

regrets for today

test URL redirections...

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 June 2015 18:28:39 UTC