xmlschema-dev@w3.org from January 2006 by subject

[ANN] oXygen XML Editor new major version 7

[announce] An interview with Jonathan Robie of the W3C XQuery Group

[Fwd: [ANN] JAXB 2.0 RI Early Access 3 Released]

abstract elements and xsi:type substitution

ANN: Syntext Serna - Schema Validating WYSIWYG XML Editor V2.5.0

any processContents strict


Default value of an element with mixed content

hermaphrodite types

Hiding namespace prefixes in the instance document

list of pre-defined value

locating the invalid element in a large xml document

New Listing for W3C Tools: Java-X

optional, but at least one required

Request for help with XML issues

Restrictions on other values

Schema Help

simpletype or <xsd:complexType with simpleContent?

SV: any processContents strict

SV: Atom

SV: SV: any processContents strict

SV: SV: Atom

Updated tools listing for Stylus Studio 2006

using xs:choice inside xs:all

XML Schema

xml-schema derivation

xs:choice and xs:sequence question

xsd:any processContents lax, how does this affect an application level strict processing?

xsd:any processContents strict

xsd:simpletype or <xsd:complexType with simpleContent?

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2006 23:46:09 UTC