Re: SV: Atom


Is validating Atom feeds so niche task nobody is doing it with XML 
Schema? Haven't looked yet, but is there a parser out there that can 
validate against RelaxNG schema (


On 5.1.2006 15:33, Bryan Rasmussen wrote:

>IIRC Atom uses an RELAX NG Compact schema, it was non-normative last time I
>looked. I suppose you could use trang on it to generate an xml schema if
>that's what you need.
>Bryan Rasmussen
>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>Fra: Borut Bolcina []
>Sendt: 5. januar 2006 15:02
>Emne: Atom
>Does anyone know  if XML Schema for Atom v1.0 exists and where would I 
>found one? No success so far.

Received on Friday, 6 January 2006 11:44:55 UTC