xmlschema-dev@w3.org from February 2005 by subject

[ANN] xframe - xsddoc 0.7-beta released

ANNOUNCE: New CCTS/UBL Data Modeling and Schema Generation Software

Article on JAXP 1.3 "Fast and Easy XML Processing"

clarification of redefine semantics

Default and Fixed Values of attributes

empty elements and xsd:string


Facets (resolved)

Inadvertently restricting mixed content

Is it possible (simpleType or complexType)?

Keyref from an NMTOKENS list

SV: empty elements and xsd:string

SV: SV: empty elements and xsd:string

SV: SV: SV: empty elements and xsd:string

Unique Particle Attribution

Use of key/keyref - any best practices? warnings?

XML Schema parser (structure aware)

XSV results discrepancy (web vs installation)

Last message date: Monday, 28 February 2005 03:37:56 UTC