

Please pardon me if my question is not very clear. I am very new to the
XML/Schema language.

I have an XML document which contains the list of acceptable values (strings
or enum) for some elements, in addition to the elements themselves.  I need
to create a schema to validate this XML document. Is there a way to make the
validation process aware of these facets (on the fly, if you will).  I hope
the simple XML test file below clarifies my question.

Thank you,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Measurements xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <Types>	// The values lised under Types are user defined and
different in XML input files.
    <MeasInfo>		                                       // MeasInfo
is common to all XML input files
        <Name>Air Flow</Name>
        <Type>Analog</Type>                              // Type element
value must be one of those listed under Types element.

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