- From: Bryan Rasmussen <brs@itst.dk>
- Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 09:13:04 +0100
- To: 'Michael Kay' <mike@saxonica.com>
- Cc: xmlschema-dev@w3.org
> All strings, including the >zero-length string, are permitted in the lexical space of xs:string. well I can see that my expectations have been squashed, which were that there would be a consistent model of dealing with empty elements for simple datatypes, well I guess one could argue it is consistent or even argue over the meaning of consistency so let's not go there. Oh XML Schema why do I love you so when you are so cruel! no wait, it's not XML Schema I love.... what was I thinking. :)
Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 08:19:44 UTC