1.1 xml rec
1st CFP: IJCAI-11 Workshop on Discovering Meaning On the Go in Large & Heterogeneous Data (LHD-11)
6.2 in xsl-fo 1.1
break-after problem
Design Notes for Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 2.0 Draft Published
Dynamic page headers in XSL FO
fo:flow-map in 1.1
fo:instream-foreign-object [Was: 6.2 in xsl-fo 1.1]
Independent recto/verso flows?
JAVA_HOME not defined but it is
keeping word together (not breaking words onto next line)
keeping word together (not breaking words onto next line) - XSLT code if interested
margins... I'm confused xsl-fo 1.1
Page breaks in the middle of a table
rec 1.1 7.7.4
Schema noise.
Section 6.2, Formatting Object Content [Was: 1.1 xml rec]
xsl-fo 1.1, section 6.2 usage
Last message date: Tuesday, 28 December 2010 08:24:03 UTC