Re: break-after problem

On Mon, Dec 13 2010 14:06:39 +0000, wrote:
> I am having a problem using FOP (I am using FOP 0.95 - I also tried with FOP
> 1.0 with the same result): I want to generate a PDF document and add a blank
> page in the end of that document in the case it has an odd number of pages:
>          - if the document has a even number of pages, no blank page is added
> (for example if the generated PDF document has 4 pages, nothing more is made)
>          - if the document has an odd number of pages, a blank page is added in
> the end of the document (for example, if the document is generated with 3
> pages, a blank page i added to the document so it will have 4 pages)

Use 'force-page-count="end-on-even"' [1] with your fo:page-sequence [2].


Tony Graham               
Director                                  W3C XSL FO SG Invited Expert
Menteith Consulting Ltd                               XML Guild member
XML, XSL and XSLT consulting, programming and training
Registered Office: 13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Registered in Ireland - No. 428599
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xmlroff XSL Formatter                     
xslide Emacs mode        
Unicode: A Primer                               urn:isbn:0-7645-4625-2


Received on Monday, 13 December 2010 15:18:56 UTC