Re: xsl-fo 1.1, section 6.2 usage

On Wed, Dec 08 2010 12:37:06 +0000, wrote:
> 6.4.21 fo:title
> has a content model
> Contents:
> (#PCDATA|%inline;)*
> from 6.2, it seems I can add any element from the first neutral group,
> any from the first out of line group


> and and from the second out of line group.


The text after the contents in Section 6.4.21 [1] is:

   An fo:title is not permitted to have an fo:float, fo:footnote or
   fo:marker as a descendant.

So from Section 6.2 [2], neither the first out-of-line ("float") nor the
second ("footnote") is allowed.

> Where should these elements fit in the 'content model' please?
> naming them 'group'
> is it
> (#PCDATA|%inline;| group)*

That would be the general principle.  It doesn't express prohibitions
such as:

   Additionally, an fo:title is not permitted to have as a descendant an
   fo:block-container that generates an absolutely positioned area.

or, for other FOs, the possible addition of fo:marker.

> Is that correct?
> It seems a very brittle method, relying on the WG 'memory' of how this works?

Yes, we gather around the campfire after a hard day's spec wrangling,
and as we practice the secret handshake, we also pass down the Lore of
XSL from member to member.

I think I answer your questions with references to the spec, not with
anecdotes from conversations that I had in 2001.  The spec is there for
anyone to read, and I can answer your questions because I've read it,
used it, and implemented it, not because I wrote it, since I didn't.  My
name is on the XSL 1.0 spec because I contributed to the Candidate
Recommendation testing phase that was necessary to get XSL to becoming a
Recommendation.  I also didn't write XSL 1.1, since I was taken off XSL
work by my then employer and I didn't rejoin the XSL FO SG until the XSL
2.0 effort started, by which time I was an independent consultant again.

I am having rather more input into XSL FO 2.0, but when XSL FO 2.0 is
more cooked and you start to ask questions about it, I would again
expect that I or anyone would answer by reference to the spec, not by
reference to some hive-mind SG collective memory.

(Not speaking for the XSL FO SG: if the SG has a secret handshake or a
hive-mind, I don't know about it.)


Tony Graham               
Director                                  W3C XSL FO SG Invited Expert
Menteith Consulting Ltd                               XML Guild member
XML, XSL and XSLT consulting, programming and training
Registered Office: 13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Registered in Ireland - No. 428599
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