1st CFP: Socio-Cognitive Grids
2003 Int'l Conf. in CS & CE - Las Vegas, June 23-26, 2003
[www-ws] <none>
About output derivation in composite processes
Announcing SWSI (preliminary announcement)
BravoAir/CongoBuy grounding question
CFP: Semantic Web Services for Enterprise Application Integration 2003
Clarification re DAML-S
Complex data types in DAML-S
conditional inputs
DAML-S API (or tool)
Envelopes, messages, and app semantics
Espressions of Interest for Proposed AAAI Spring Symposium Series on Semantic Web Services
Fwd: Liaison between WS BPEL TC and W3C WS Choreography
Fwd: OASIS BPEL and W3C Choreography WG
FYI; REST vs. SOAP at Amazon
Help in XSL creation
Identifiers, locators, and scalability
One more post on REST and then I am done: (was: WS-Addressing and R085)
operation vs service parameter
Partial modeling using constraints
port and service names
Problem with damlsParameter
Protocol independance
Protocol independence
- Bill de hÓra (Wednesday, 9 April)
- Mark Baker (Wednesday, 9 April)
- Geoff Arnold (Tuesday, 8 April)
- Mark Baker (Tuesday, 8 April)
- David Orchard (Monday, 7 April)
- Geoff Arnold (Monday, 7 April)
- Mark Baker (Monday, 7 April)
- Mike Champion (Friday, 4 April)
- Mark Baker (Friday, 4 April)
- Mike Champion (Friday, 4 April)
- Mark Baker (Friday, 4 April)
- Nirmal Mukhi (Thursday, 3 April)
- Geoff Arnold (Friday, 4 April)
- Mark Baker (Friday, 4 April)
- Mike Champion (Thursday, 3 April)
- Mark Baker (Thursday, 3 April)
Protocol independence and application protocols
QoS in Web services?
Questions about subsumption relationships for matchmaking
search feature
Semantic Web Services: Interest Group creation discussions
SOAP 1.2 Evil Feature
Starting from DAML-S
This is a DAML-S question, appreciate any inputs
tiny suggestion for DAML-S
WS-Addressing and R085
WSDL question.
Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2003 12:29:13 UTC