Re: Complex data types in DAML-S

Marta Sabou wrote:

>  Hi!
>  I would like to know more about how complex data types can be defined in DAML-S descriptions. I looked for some examples in the CongoBooks and the BravoAir examples.
> I hoped that the congoBuyShippingOrder would be such a complex data type. However, I cannot find its definition in any of the CongoBooks files. (The service Profile indicates that it is declared in the Process file, but I cannot find it there.)

Apologies for this inconsistency; we'll get it fixed in our upcoming release.

> I had similar difficulties for the BravoAir example. The availableFilghtItineraryList_Out type is defined in the Process model as ranging over: However I cannot access the concepts.daml ontology.

Hmmm, that should be accessible.  I don't know why that problem is occurring.  I'll refer this to the appropriate person.

> Does anybody have some completed examples of defining complex datatypes?

Well, everything in these examples is admittedly quite simple and contrived, but you can look at SignInData, AcctInfo, and CreateAcctOutputType in CongoProcess.daml.

In general, you are not limited to looking at the DAML-S examples, because any DAML+OIL class can be used as the type of an input or output of a process.

> Finally, I observed that the grounding documents of the two examples use different tags for specifying a concept for a message part: CongoBuy uses "daml-parameter" while BravoAir uses "daml-s-parameter". Indeed, in your document over describing web services with DAML-S and WSDL [1] you introduce only the "daml-s-parameter" extension to WSDL, therefore I deduce it is the right one to use. Am I right?

Yes, you are right, and thanks for pointing this out.

David Martin

> Waiting for your answer, or to pointers to postings in this mailing list which covered any of these issues.
> Thank you,
> --
>  Marta Sabou
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2003 23:10:08 UTC