In a message dated 4/24/03 8:54:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> Subj:RE: Liaison between WS BPEL TC and W3C WS Choreography
> Date:4/24/03 8:54:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> From:<A HREF=""></A>
> To:<A HREF=""></A>
> CC:<A HREF=""></A>
> Sent from the Internet
> FYI, and in completion of our action point, this was sent to the WS BPEL TC
> chairs today.
> Martin.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Chapman []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 9:03 AM
> To:;
> Cc:; Steve Ross-Talbot
> Subject: Liaison between WS BPEL TC and W3C WS Choreography
> Dear Diane and John,
> Congratulations on the formation of the WS BPEL TC in OASIS.
> As co-chairs of the W3C Web Services Choreography working group we
> understand the efforts that will be involved, and wish you the best of
> luck.
> We firmly believe that the orchestration/choreography is a big space.
> Furthermore we believe that there is room for non-overlapping specs in
> this area, that can lead to a family of complimentary languages. This
> will benefit the community and more importantly customers. It is our
> intention to liaise closely with groups in this space in a manner that is
> constructive and non-intrusive, in order to ensure we can provide
> maximum benefit to the community and customers.
> With the formation of your group, the WS BPEL TC, and the focus of your
> groups work we would very much like to pursue a liaison with you. In
> addition the two groups will no doubt have common requirements on other
> groups such as, for example, the need for end-point references in WSDL
> 1.2. We feel it makes sense to explore these requirements together and
> submit them to the appropriate group as one voice, albeit from two
> groups.
> To further explore possible liaisons and to ensure that we understand how
> we can be of mutual benefit we cordially invite you to our next face to
> face meeting on 18-20 June in Chicago. We would like you to meet the
> group, of which we share a considerable overlap in membership, and talk
> about ways in which we can work together for mutual benefit.
> For the purpose of clarity, we are not requiring you to join the working
> group to pursue this, merely to attend the face to face meeting as
> invited guests. Please let us know if you are interested and we can
> forward on registration and logistics information when they become
> available.
> Best regards,
> Martin Chapman (Oracle) & Steve Ross-Talbot (Enigmatec)
> Co-chairs W3C Choreography Working Group
> _________________________________________________________________
> Martin Chapman 500 Oracle Parkway
> Consulting Member of Technical Staff Ms 4op990
> Oracle Redwood Shores,
> P: +1 650 506 6941 CA 94065
> e: USA
Christoph Bussler