Espressions of Interest for Proposed AAAI Spring Symposium Series on Semantic Web Services

[Apologies for cross-posting]


Together with Keith Decker, Ora Lassila, Sheila McIlraith and Katia
Sycara, I am submitting a workshop proposal entitled "Semantic Web
Services" to the 2004 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, at Stanford, March


The scope would broadly include (but not be limited to) the following


*	Knowledge Representation for Semantic Web Services
*	DAML-S services
*	Semantics in Agent Communication Languages
*	Semantic-based Agent/Service Discovery
*	Semantic-based Agent/Service Composition
*	Semantics for service delegation and knowledge aggregation
*	Semantic interoperation between agents and services
*	The use of semantics in agent and service communication
*	Architectures for supporting Semantic Web Services
*	Semantic Grid services
*	Service enactment/invocation frameworks
*	Supporting ontologies for semantic web services
*	Semantic Web Service Security
*	Service Negotiation
*	.


If you would be interested in attending such a workshop and/or
submitting a paper, please let me know as soon as you can since the
workshop proposal deadline is April 21st and I would need to include a
list of potential participants. Obviously, having more people interested
would increase the chances of the workshop proposal being accepted.
Please remember that this is not a commitment to attending - just an
indication of your interest and potential participation.

So, if you are potentially interested in participating in the workshop
either as a speaker or an attendee, please e-mail me at

If you know of anybody else who would be interested in attending the
Workshop and/or presenting their work there, please let us know. 

Thank you. 
        Terry Payne

Terry R. Payne, PhD.      |
University of Southampton | Voice: +44(0)23 8059 8343 [Fax: 8059 2865]
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK | Email: /




Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2003 11:39:21 UTC