Announcing SWSI (preliminary announcement)

Friends --

A new international initiative has formed and will be looking at
language and architecture issues for Semantic Web Services, and
developing specs in those areas.  This effort involves some members of
the DAML-S Coalition, and will take DAML-S/OWL-S as a primary input.
Concurrently, however, the DAML-S Coalition will continue to evolve
DAML-S/OWL-S.  (In fact, plans for a new release of DAML-S/OWL-S will be
announced soon.  This release will include equivalent sets of ontology
and example files, one set based on DAML+OIL, the other on OWL.)

The new initiative is called the Semantic Web Services Initiative
(SWSI).  A public Web site will be announced soon, on this list.

Also, SWSI technical discussions will take place on this list, and
comments and feedback regarding the work of SWSI (once it begins to be
discussed) will be welcome here.

David Martin
SRI International

Received on Thursday, 17 April 2003 02:08:10 UTC