"count" attribute in catch?
[www-voice] <none>
A feeling for IP, patents, and w3c
Acceptance power of Speech Recognition Grammars
call origination
check this out guys
Comments on VoiceXML 2.0
Comments on VoiceXML 2.0 Working Draft 23rd October 2001
database reading through voiceXML
- LAVALLEE,LIONEL (HP-PaloAlto,ex1) (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Liang Shen (Wednesday, 31 October)
- LAVALLEE,LIONEL (HP-PaloAlto,ex1) (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Liang Shen (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nitin_Khungar (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Eric Burger (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Shridhar Damle (Wednesday, 31 October)
Evaluation of expr in <param ...>?
flow control
form/menu grammars with document scope?
MITRE comments on Semantic Interpretation WD
More questions, SUBMIT without namelist?
News Release: World Wide Web Consortium Issues First Public Working Draft of VoiceXML 2.0
Patent Licensing Issues for the VoiceXML 2.0 Standard
Patents and standards
Patents and VoiceXML 2.0
Patents, royalties and W3C recommendations
Personal comments on Speech Recognition Grammar Spec last call
Prompt counting question
Protocols on browser??
Questions from a novice
questions regarding mapping results from form-level grammars
RAND, patents and VoiceXML 2.0
Regarding Patents in XML technologies
running voicexml application
The Open Source Initiative OSI letter of comment on W3C's proposed RAND policy.
- DonEMitchell (Saturday, 17 November)
- Samuel_Delagarza@countrywide.com (Friday, 16 November)
- Brett Serkez, Techie (Friday, 16 November)
- Jonathan Eisenzopf (Friday, 16 November)
- Brett Serkez, Techie (Friday, 16 November)
- Eric Burger (Friday, 16 November)
- Charles F. Munat (Wednesday, 14 November)
- Dan Fraisl (Wednesday, 14 November)
- Turner W. Rentz, III (Wednesday, 14 November)
- Brett Serkez, Techie (Wednesday, 14 November)
Using 'Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition' to parse XML to the Infoset
Using Record TAG
Virus Alert
VoiceXML 2.0 comments
VoiceXML 2.0 spec now public
VoiceXML and patents
VoiceXML in Arabic
Which "gateway" is best?
Last message date: Friday, 28 December 2001 11:14:36 UTC