Re: Using Record TAG

Abhilash_Shanmugham wrote:
> Has anyone tried to record any voice files using VoiceGenie.

I've certainly written simple files, and seen real apps, that use the
<record> tag successfully through VG.  One oddity I've run into occurs
if you're trying to <assign> a <var> to the value returned by a record,

 <var name="x"/>


 <record name="y">


 <assign name="x" expr="y'/>

This fails unless you also declare

 <var name="x$"/>

You don't need to assign to "x$", it just needs to be there, or the
<assign> fails.  Don't know if this is the difficulty you're having,

Ian Sutherland

Oracle Voice Lab                    E-mail:
45th Floor, Sears Tower             Work:   312-704-4723
233 S. Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL  60606  USA

Received on Friday, 14 December 2001 11:06:53 UTC