www-svg@w3.org from March 2007 by subject

<g x="10" y="20"> was: does the systemLanguage attribute apply to tspan? alternatively does the switch element take x & y coordinates?

[SVG11] motion in SVG

[SVGMobile12] White space handling in 10 August 2006 Candidate Recommendation of SVG Tiny 1.2

A definition for "character cell" is not provide in the spec

animateTransform, underlying value and additive="sum"

audio on event using css at peepo

does the systemLanguage attribute apply to tspan? alternatively does the switch element take x & y coordinates?

Entity system


Liquid layout: position relative

motion in SVG

Regarding flowing text into shapes (distort text to fit into shapes)

Scope of Progress...

setAttributeNS and smil animation elements

SVG for Firefox and Linux

SVG Linking Test Case Questions

SVG12: Confusing SVGLoad bubbling behavior note

SVGZoomEvent errata - previousScale, previousTranslate, newScale, newTranslate

SVGZoomEvent errata - screenX et. al.

SVGZoomEvent errata - zoomRectScreen

switch with systemLanguage is broken by standards

wrapping text

Last message date: Friday, 30 March 2007 17:09:58 UTC