Re: motion in SVG


this is for rotation, either you have one value, this means
rotation around the origin, or you have three, the second
and the third are the position of rotation axis deviating
from the local coordinate system origin.

rotate(180) is the same as rotate(180 0 0)
rotate(180,100,100) is a rotation around the position 100,100 of
180 degree.
Wether you use white space or comma as separator is not
For animation the animation values are always separated with
semicolon in a values list.

> Hello,
> What mean the numbers?
> >        values="0 500 500;360,500,500"

Therefore this means always rotate around the position 500,500
start with 0 degree and end with 360

> And what mean the numbers?
> >        values="0 800,500; -360,800 500"

This is a rotation around the position 800,500
start with 0 degree and end with 360

If you have 

values="60 800,500; -300 500,800"

you get a complicate motion, the position of rotation axis 
and the rotation itself is interpolated within the animation.
For more details see the transformation chapter of the 
specification and the section about animateTransform in the
animation chapter.

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2007 18:18:38 UTC