www-svg@w3.org from May 2000 by subject

#REQUIRED (cont'd)

#REQUIRED attributes

[Fwd: linearGradient:xlink:href #REQUIRED or #IMPLIED?]

[www-svg] <none>

Adding an SVG object by DOM... help req

Another font name question

Any update on SVG Recommendation status?

attribute naming inconsistencies?

attribute problems w/exchange svg + adobe viewer

AW: How to reference symbols defined in a separate file?

Drag & Drop

DTD/IDL inconsistencies?

Gradient Stop Inheritance

handling svg events in parent html document

How can I display SVG from HTML od XML docs ?

how to animate a "donut" and watch with a current viewer?

How to contol pan and zoom within a web page svg file

How To Create a SVG-File in JAVA?

How to reference symbols defined in a separate file?

incompatibilities in font name specification

Java Language Binding Probelm


linearGradient:xlink:href #REQUIRED or #IMPLIED?

Linking from a html-page to svg element in different frame

Linking from an HTML-page into a svg-document

List items; are they intended to be unique?

Modifying the "visibilty" rendering property

new Mayura Draw beta

object-oriented access?

opacity, fill-opacity and stroke-opacity

path animation

Re(2): SVGPathElement::getPathSegAtLength()

Saving modifications through a web page

Scripting with IE4.0

Seeking peer reviewers for SVG project

Selectable origin for rect other shapes

Shape opacity and filter effects

Structure and Accessibility versus SVG

SVG and word wrapping

SVG java bindings

SVG Spec Issues

svg to post xml


svg, IE5 and IE5.5




SVGPathElement, pathSegLists



text-anchor and transform

The getStyle() method

tspan -- adobe and ibm viewers have bugs

tspan -- adobe and ibm viewers have bugs?

validation and exception handling

When will SVG 1.0 spec become final

white papers

xml to svg using xslt

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 May 2000 19:39:26 UTC